Friday, May 29, 2009

Loving Friday!!!!!!

Another Friday - People always say that Saturday is their favorite day but mine is definately Friday. There is so much anticipation on Friday. Tonight my father gets his POOL TABLE!!!!!! He has wanted a pool table for such a long time!!!! We have all wanted him to purchase a pool table for such a long time. We are going to go over to his house and enjoy the new game room tonight. My parents have recently purchase a house that is great for the ENTIRE family. A big pool - a hot tub and now a game room. We should call it Club Hubbard!!!!

Tomorrow, we have absolutely NO plans. That happens maybe once every couple of months. I want to sleep in and then we will just be!!!! What a concept. Nothing important on the agenda. We might go shopping, we might go out to lunch, oh the possibilities are endless!!!!

Sunday is the only day that there are planned activities. We have church and then every fifth Sunday of a month, our church has a Fifth Sunday Feast. Such great food and friends. Looking so forward to it.

Oh, I just love Fridays - there is so much to look forward to!!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Cell Phone Problems

Yesterday my cell phone died!!! One minute it was working well for me and the next - nothing. The battery was charged - It hadn't fallen into water - it just was dead. Oh well, in our house we have plenty of extra cell phones. Both of my girls have upgraded their cell phones and I could just get one of their old ones. I explain my dilemma to my wonderful husband who happily (or so it seems) gets one of the other cell phones and puts my cell phone chip into it. Nothing can be that simple - Now I have none of my precious pictures and none of my phone numbers. I have plenty of children's phone numbers as those are the telephone numbers that were in the phone, but no - no numbers that I might need to call.

You would think that this is not such a big deal but it is. I had never written any of the phone numbers on paper. I had never memorized any of them. They are going to have to be recreated. Let me tell you, this has been a lesson learned. Technology is wonderful until it crashes. The best thing is to have information on paper also. Hopefully, I will learn from this!!!!

Another of life's little moments!!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Can't believe that it is Memorial Day. How could the weekend be over soooo soon? It was just Friday (a second ago) and I was driving home from work anticipating the long weekend and now we are getting ready for the upcoming week. How I love lazy days like I am anticipating today to be. Hopefully, it will be a day of relaxation, music and just family time.

Since it is Memorial Day and we should remember our loved ones that are gone, I can't help but think of both of my grandfather's, my grandma, Brad, and as silly as this seems, my dog, Buttons. Oh, how I miss all of them!!!!!!! Such great times that we had. They remain alive (in a sense) as long as they are remembered!!!!

This weekend has been a blur of activity. We have had a terrible drought and Saturday morning I awoke to rain - lots of rain. How exciting!!!! I got up, walking toward the kitchen and what do my ears hear? Plop - plop - plop - No - not outside but in my dining room!!!!! Fortunately, none of my furniture is ruined and my handi husband says he can fix the roof. Just a year ago, this leak would have ruined my day but since that time, I realize that - through tons and tons of lessons, that it will all get handled and it will get handled better, when we stay calm. Not saying that I keep this calmness all of the time but I definately am getting better at it. I said to my father a week or so ago that I just hated all of the drama. He started to laugh. I used to be the drama queen! Hopefully, I am getting better at staying calm. Life can be hard but if it was easy all of the time, we wouldn't learn anything at all, would we?

Hope you all are having a great - relaxing Memorial Day!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

And a Blog Came to Life........

I never - and I mean never ever - would have thought that I would create a blog. Both of my sisters have created one and I go on them every day (well, almost every work day). Sometimes there are updates, other times to my disappointment - Nothing. It is a great way to keep in touch in a very busy world. I'm not sure if I have much to say in this blog, I hope that I am interesting to some degree - We will just have to see!

Today, is Saturday, May 23, 2009 - around 7:30 a.m. Today is my father's birthday. My sister and her family have come into town from Orlando and it will be so much fun to see them. We will meet my two sisters, their families, and my parents for a BBQ later today to celebrate. Unfortunately it is pouring down rain here. Lets hope it does NOT continue. Even if it is pouring down rain, we will all have a great time because we will all be together and it has been a long time since we have all been together. That is the real point of this blog - It is not the big things that make it all worth while, it is all of the little things. We could plan this BBQ for my father' s birthday for a month but the real fun of it all will be just being with each other. Laughing, telling jokes, telling stories, just smiling at each other.

When I was a kid, Christmas was the best time of the year. I looked forward to that one day for months and months. I would wake up at 2:00 a.m. and beg my sister to get up with me (It was morning!!!!) so we could go see the presents. No way was she getting up at that hour!!!! Eventually, I would persuade her to get up - usually several hours after 2:00 a.m. but also several hours before my parents wanted to get up. We would go into the living room where my mother had left the tree on all night (My mother always understood the magic of Christmas). There were presents everywhere!!!! It was magical. My point is that it was the expectation that made it so much fun. Yes - Christmas is wonderful - Presents are wonderful - but the real wonder is in the expectation. Every year I try to give my children a Christmas like my parents gave me. I'm sure that I fall very short. I want them to have those wonderful moments in their childhood like I had.

I have two wonderful teenage girls - They are works in progress. I was watching a program on parenting just the other day and this wise woman, who had several grown children who had grown up to be wonderful adults, said that there are three stages to raising children - The beginning, the middle, and the end. So true.

In the beginning, they listen to everything you tell them. They think that you are so smart, you are so pretty, you are just so amazing. No matter what stupid thing you do, they think that it is wonderful. You hope and pray during the beginning time that you are molding them into the kind of people who will be productive and happy as adults. You hope and pray that you are setting the kind of example that every mother should set. I look back now and realize that I fell very short. I can honestly say that I gave it my all.

Then comes the middle. I am now living in the middle times with my two angels. This is the time that they realize that you really are not as smart as they had thought. They see every mistake that you make and remember every mistake that you ever made in the past. They are somehow so much smarter than you are now. I have become one of the worst people in the world for my 14 year old. To her, I am a horrible, abusive person and she wants nothing to do with me. Once in a while, we have a conversation and a little bit of the relationship that we used to have in the beginning comes to light. I look so forward to those little moments with her. I hope and pray that we can one day - sooner rather than later- come to a better place. I love her and miss her very much. My 13 year old, fortunately, still wants to be with me. She and I read together, watch TV, do lots of mundane things together and laugh a lot. Hopefully she will not hate me, but if she does, I have to keep telling myself that this is the middle and the end will come.

Lastly, comes the end - This is where the fruits of all of our labor will take place. Hopefully, your children will realize that you did your best - that you always loved them and still do. This is the time that your children come to visit you (maybe with their children). This is the time that they actually ask you for advice and they take it. This is the good time.

I have realized just by writing this, my first blog, that it important to try to enjoy every time. The middle may be hard but there are SOME good times in it. Again, lets just enjoy the little moments!

This is all I have to say for my first blog - Hope it didn't bore you too much!