Can't believe that it is Memorial Day. How could the weekend be over soooo soon? It was just Friday (a second ago) and I was driving home from work anticipating the long weekend and now we are getting ready for the upcoming week. How I love lazy days like I am anticipating today to be. Hopefully, it will be a day of relaxation, music and just family time.
Since it is Memorial Day and we should remember our loved ones that are gone, I can't help but think of both of my grandfather's, my grandma, Brad, and as silly as this seems, my dog, Buttons. Oh, how I miss all of them!!!!!!! Such great times that we had. They remain alive (in a sense) as long as they are remembered!!!!
This weekend has been a blur of activity. We have had a terrible drought and Saturday morning I awoke to rain - lots of rain. How exciting!!!! I got up, walking toward the kitchen and what do my ears hear? Plop - plop - plop - No - not outside but in my dining room!!!!! Fortunately, none of my furniture is ruined and my handi husband says he can fix the roof. Just a year ago, this leak would have ruined my day but since that time, I realize that - through tons and tons of lessons, that it will all get handled and it will get handled better, when we stay calm. Not saying that I keep this calmness all of the time but I definately am getting better at it. I said to my father a week or so ago that I just hated all of the drama. He started to laugh. I used to be the drama queen! Hopefully, I am getting better at staying calm. Life can be hard but if it was easy all of the time, we wouldn't learn anything at all, would we?
Hope you all are having a great - relaxing Memorial Day!
Wish we had spent more time chatting. I don't know why ... but time just seemed to fly by and the evening was gone. Hope you had a good Monday in Sebastian. Love you.