Monday, February 28, 2011

My Grandmommy - Remembrances!!!

I remember the big BBQs in the backyard and Grandpa's Manhattan Clam Chowder. I remember flying kites in the park at the end of 36th Street and going to Singer Island beach. The sand was sooo hot. I remember the picnics that Grandmommy used to pack. I remember Bette and I sitting on the floor in her "office" while she taught us about the Lord's love for us. She taught us that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and if we believed that - we would go to heaven. It is because of her that I have a personal relationship with the Lord. She loved the Lord and it was so clear that He loved her. She would teach us children's stories from the Bible. She could make the Bible come to life. She so loved the Lord!!! I'm so thankful to her for taking the time to teach us the truth. I remember wheat germ which she swore we could not taste but we could. I remember wonderful birthday parties and birthday cakes that were not only beautiful but incredibly tasty! I remember chocolate cakes that were absolutely incredible with tables that were set just perfect. I remember salads with apples in it (yummy). I remember her singing church songs in the kitchen while she cooked. She would use every pot and pan in the kitchen for a family dinner. What a mess!!! I remember her sweet voice that would tell me that everything would be OK - "My Beautiful Bonnie". I remember her singing.. My Bonnie lies over the ocean..." I remember her telling the "pea" story over and over again. I remember watching slides of her trips with Grandpa in the living room. I remember waiting at the airport for her and Grandpa to return from Thanksgiving in Jamaica and being so exciting when they walked off the plane! I remember Christmas dinner at her house. I remember her taking us to the Super Slide. I remember Morrison's Cafeteria and brunch at the Breakers. The yellow desk that she had delivered from a furniture store for my 10th or 11th birthday! WHAT A SURPRISE!!!

I remember when we were moving to Orlando (Longwood) and we went to her house before we took the 2 1/2 hour drive to our new home. I remember us all crying and crying - Momma especially. We came back a year later because Momma couldn't stand to be away from Grandmomy! I remember when Beth was to be born - 2/23/77. What a day!!! Of course, Bette and I waited it out at Grandmommy's house and Grandmommy took us to McClaren's Florest where we got the flowers in the snail planter because Beth took sooo long to come, then she took us to Good Samaritan Hospital where the three of us (Grandmommy, Bette and I) counted fingers and toes. We were sooooo happy!!

I lived with her through college up until I married John. She nursed me through my gallbladder issues, cooked all of the right foods and I lost weight. That in itself is a miracle.

I am so thankful that she lead me to the Lord and that I will get to see her agin. I am so thankful that she is with Jesus! She has a perfect body now. Both legs are the same length - her hearing is perfect and she remembers and knows everything.

Grandmommy loved me unconditionally! She loved me with her entire heart. I always felt so special when I was with her.

Beth wanted us to put the following on the card for Grandmommy. The florest couldn't fit it on the card but it is so perfect:

"You taught us the way to be a lady, the way to love unconditionally, and the way to be close to our Lord. We know you are with Him now, watching down upon us with a clear mind and an open heart. We love you, Grandmommy."

I will miss you Grandmommy!!!

1 comment:

  1. That was beautiful ... made me cry. You and I share so many memories, the same history, the same love, the same faith.

    I love you Bonnie. How can we be so alike, yet so different. What a miracle, huh?

    Thanks for being so awesome.
