Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Doctor's Visit

Monday, June 22, 2009 was the date of Katie's first "female" doctor's appointment. Both of us were dreading the day. I was dreading the day so much, I begged my sister to take my place. Of course, she said "no way" and she was right. Katie had a 9:00 a.m. doctor's appointment and I did get John to come with us (for my moral support). After waiting in the lobby for only a few minutes, they called Katie in. I told Katie to go in by herself, get weighed, etc. and if she really needed me, to just ask them to get me. Of course, I was hoping that she would NOT really need me. I don't remember having my mother with me when I was being examined!!! As luck would have it, she asked for me and I had to go into the little room. Walking to the examination room was like walking into the dentist knowing you are going to have a root canal. You can't get out of it and you KNOW it is going to be awful!!!!!!!

Our appointment was with the PA and she was very patient and explained to Katie everything that was going to happen. She showed us all of the equipment and explained that all female parts look the same. It was very informative and to tell you the truth, I learned a lot. After much urging, Katie agreed to let this procedure take place. Then the PA pulled out the stirrups and Katie decided "NO WAY". After much convincing, much yelling, even some crying the examination was over. The poor PA practically ran out of the room!!!

While John was driving us home and asking why I looked so pale and was so quiet, I informed him that Katie had "lost her mind" in the doctor's office. At that, Katie comes to the conclusion that she "might have overreacted just a bit". Who would have thought it!!!!!!????????

Just today, I said to my sister that it will be amazing if I live through all of this and she agreed. As my mother has said a million times, raising children is the hardest thing you will ever do.

Wish me luck that I get through it!!!

1 comment:

  1. At that, Katie comes to the conclusion that she "might have overreacted just a bit".

    Holy crap that made me laugh so hard. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that! Hopefully Sarah will be much more normal when she has to do it.
